Wednesday, November 11, 2015

I'm Thankful For...

I'm so very thankful for my family! And this isn't even all of them! The above picture is my parents, siblings and extended family on my dad's side. The below picture is Dearest Carl's parents and most of the siblings and in laws. All of them are dear to my heart and I'm thankful we live close enough to so many of them to see them more than once a year. Dearest Carl and I get to roll through the year celebrating birthdays and holidays and having family dinners every month! It's enviable really.

I have to say, I have some pretty stellar friends and these aren't even all of them. But it's kind of impossible to have them all together at once. ;) There's always someone to text when I need a lift. There's always someone go to a movie with. There's always someone to make me smile. There's always someone to remind me that God is close when I'm struggling. I don't know where I'd be without them!

My job. It's been a year since I went from nanny to full time freelance writer. Lots has changed for me since then, but it's been very good. I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity to be home and make money at the same time. Our house never gets as dirty as it used to because I have the time to keep up with it. The cookie jar is never empty for long because I will inevitably have an afternoon to fill it. On rainy days I get to stay indoors with a steamy cup of tea in my comfiest sweatpants. I love my job and I thank God on a regular basis for the ability to be a homebody!

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