Thursday, December 31, 2015

In Review

It's almost here. 2016. Can you believe it? I feel like it snuck up on me. Here I was basking in warm kitty snuggles and Christmas lights and cozy nights and here comes the new year, all bright and promising, beckoning me to think forward. Being a list maker, I look forward to the planning and the dreaming that comes with a new year. The house projects to be done, the books to be read, the dreams to hope for. Yes, here on the edge of 2016, I'm looking forward with anticipation. But before we leave 2015 behind, I wanted to take a minute to look back on all the golden moments that still linger on the edges of my memory. Here are some highlights of the past year:

- Photographing food and having serious conversations with my dear friend Olivia.
- Sharing a birthday celebration with my sister-in-law Rachael, complete with ice cream cake!
- Serving in the sound booth at church with Dearest Carl.
- Taking my littlest sister to a maple syrup class at the park.
- Getting to meet my cousin's new baby.
- Having a ton of people at our house for a Paintathon/LAN party.
- Hosting Mother's Day at our house and having our place packed to the rafters with family and lasagna.
- Spending a day with my little birds and enjoying the spring sunshine together.
- Going hiking in the mud with our small group.
- Surprising my sweet Michigan friend Melissa with a visit for her birthday.
- Several Half Price Books and Chic-fil-a trips with my sisters-in-law.
- Sitting with Dearest Carl in a theater full of kids for a showing of Inside Out.
- Participating in the Jubilee Sale at our church.
- Vacation! (Getting to spend quality time with Sarah and Charles, hiking up and down a mountain, sleeping in cabins, playing late night games, eating too much ice cream)
- Celebrating Bastille Day with my mom, a cheese plate and Paris When It Sizzles.
- Road tripping with my sisters-in-law to visit our Chicago family for a long weekend.
- Having a bonfire, just Dearest Carl and me, on our newly finished patio.
- Babysitting for some friends from church.
- Watching a giant whale swim across an even bigger screen. (In The Heart of The Sea)
- Getting the perfect presents from my husband for Christmas.

I've also enjoyed growing my content here on the blog! It's been such a fun year getting to post more often and having the time to put things together for you all. I so appreciate the feedback you guys give me and I'm looking forward to a new year and lots more posts!

(Image via Pinterest)

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