Thursday, October 27, 2016

Progress Report

It's been quite a while since I've really said much about our living room. The last peek was in March! We've had so many people ask us if our projects are finished and with a grimace, I say no. Since March, it's gotten worse. Lots more tearing out and fixing, but I think we're finally on the upswing. The putting-back-together stage. Here's a picture I took yesterday.

Yeah, it's messier than the March picture, but if you'll notice, there is no hole in the ceiling! And no holes in the walls! The drywall is in and we're in the process of mudding it. Next up, painting and getting the ceiling textured. After that, we sand and re-stain the floor which is gonna be fuunnnnn.... Not.

There isn't a good picture of the front door before, but this is after! It might just be my favorite part. We went from a strange narrow tall front door (that wasn't really an outside door at all) to this beauty. It looks even better from the outside! Going out to get the mail is a real joy and I can't wait to welcome all our future guests through this wonderful door!

In the last peeks post, you got a look at the upstairs bathroom. But I'm not even going to show you the bathroom now because it's so much worse than it was in March. Basically, there is no upstairs bathroom. It's all studs and foam and a vanity top sitting in the middle of the floor. But that's okay because the living room is priority.

There you have it! That's where we are right now. We're starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel so maybe... just maybe, we'll have it done in time for Thanksgiving!

(Image via cataswank)

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