Monday, October 31, 2016

What We're Eating

Happy Monday and happy Halloween! How was your weekend? Ours was just amazing. While we didn't have as big of a camping crew as we originally anticipated, it actually was one of the best trips yet! We drove Friday night to the Indiana Dunes and spent Saturday hiking those dunes and pretending like we were at the ocean. It was perfect weather (despite a rain shower on Saturday night) and we ate so much food. Really, we will be revisiting the dunes next year. For now, I'm quite happy to be home, back to my bed and my kitty. With extremely sore legs. No one tells you how hard it is to hike up a mountain of sand...

Tonight we're headed to the Watkins for a little Halloween party and then it's the normal stuff the rest of the week. I've got about a million things to do so it's a good thing I've got simple meals planned! Yay for noodles!

Monday: Partying it up with the Watkins fam
Tuesday: Sausage Kale Soup
Wednesday: Asian Ramen Noodles
Thursday: Fettuccini Alfredo and Garlic Bread
Friday: Pizza with the Watkins fam

Are you eating any scary treats tonight? Or just as much candy as possible?

(Image via Beautifully Seaside)

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