Monday, November 14, 2016

What We're Eating

Good morning! How was everyone's weekend? Mine was so full of learning and good fellowship with the wonderful ladies from my church. This morning though, I'm glad to be home with my husband and my cat. Today I'm taking it slow, filling up my introvert tank with music and Netflix and soup while I work and listen for the dryer finish. Also, Dearest Carl lost his mind while I was gone and turned on the heat in the house so it was actually not freezing when I woke up this morning. What? I forgot you could do that...

I'm really loving our menu this week. Yes, we're grilling out on Thursday because I had to get it in one more time before it snows. Though I don't think that would deter Dearest Carl.

Monday: Angie's Potato Soup (similar) and Biscuits
Tuesday: Crock Pot Sweet Potatoes and Summer Sausage
Wednesday: I'm out to dinner for my sister-in-law's birthday so Dearest Carl gets leftovers.
Thursday: Hamburgers and Fries
Friday: Pizza With the Watkins

What are you eating this week?

(Image via @andrearhowey)

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