Don't you just love that feeling when the whole weekend is ahead of you with fantastic plans? That's what my weekend looks like! After so much prep and prayer and anticipation, it's finally time for my church's Women's Retreat! I fully intend to come home rested and convicted and motivated to do better. It's gonna be great! I'm leaving Dearest Carl with peanut butter brownies so he'll be fine. ;)
What are you doing this weekend?
Ugly crying in the car right here
This morning person approves
I want their bookshelf wall
My fridge thanks you
The best kind of potato
My weatherman is a cat
Sausage, my favorite
Have a great weekend!
(Image via Julien Douvier)
lol I got Spinach "You’re a health nut. You often exercise and enjoy staying healthy." how did they know...haha