Monday, December 24, 2012

What We're Eating

It's Christmas Eve!!! Christmas is TOMORROW!!!! And I am so flipping excited!! Seriously, I have not been so excited about Christmas since I was much younger. Probably because I can't wait for Dearest Carl to open his carefully chosen presents. :)

Anyhoo, being the week of Christmas, this week is a little bit different than most. Eating habits kinda go out the window.... You know exactly what I'm talking about. All the good food and lovingly baked cookies and carefully prepared desserts, how can one resist?! Here is our meal plan for this week.

Monday: We'll be eating this meal at my parents' house and Dearest Carl's parents' house
Tuesday morning: Crock Pot Breakfast CasseroleSticky Rolls and fresh Strawberries
Tuesday evening: We'll be at my grandparents' for dinner
Wednesday: Cheese, Potato and Sausage Casserole and Salad
Thursday: Crab, Shrimp and Spinach Ricotta Shells and Breadsticks
Friday: Leftovers

I also have this whole week off work so that may produce some cookies or a cake or something.

I hope you have lots of deliciousness to look forward to this week! You are loved so stay happy!

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