Tuesday, January 29, 2013


I don't know why, but I think that books give a house a feeling of home-y-ness. Don't you agree? Can you imagine your home if you didn't have your bookshelves or books stacked on your bedside table or books on your living room coffee table? Empty! Currently, Dearest Carl and I only have one bookshelf which is filled to the brim with books (I'm trying to get the movies off the top shelf so I can have more room!). But it definitely gives our living room a home-y feeling! It also adds a bit of personality I think! To look at what is on that bookshelf, you might get an idea of some things we're interested in. :) Here are just a few:

A very well worn copy of The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

Sneaky Uses For Everyday Things by Cy Tymony

Of course, we have many many more books, some more "grown up" than these (ya know, marriage books, family books, devotional books) but as I said, this is a taste. :) 

Have I mentioned that I love books?

You are loved so stay happy!

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