Monday, September 23, 2013

What We're Eating

Did everyone have a good weekend? It went way too fast in my opinion. I woke up a half hour early to do some extra things since I have a church Ladies Dinner tonight and even just a half hour earlier has me dragging. Praise the Lord for coffee! This week is a pretty busy one but we always make time for deliciousness in the Watkins kitchen!

Monday: Whatever I can devise for Dearest Carl since I'm gone
Tuesday: Angel Hair with Alfredo and Breadsticks
Wednesday: Double Cheeseburgers and Chips
Thursday: Chicken Bundles
Friday: Crock Pot BBQ Chicken Sandwiches, Chips and Fruit

This past Saturday, I made an amazing cooking discovery! I made this Buttermilk Blueberry Breakfast Cake and it turned out just like the pictures and even more delicious! If you have a free Saturday morning sometime (or a breakfast night!), I highly recommend this!!!

You are loved so stay happy!

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