Monday, March 30, 2015

What We're Eating

Spring break! Yes, I am giving myself a spring break since I've been working almost nonstop since the new year. As of lately though, I've gotten my weekends back so things are looking up for the future. This week is going to be full of a few spring cleaning projects and fun with friends and even an IKEA trip! The menu isn't a fancy one but I promise to make up for it in seafood next week. ;)

Monday: Spinach and Artichoke Quesadillas
Tuesday: Grilled Cheese and Chips
Wednesday: Pizza Rolls
Thursday: BBQ Chicken Sandwiches and Chips
Friday: Summer Sausage, Salad

I had a few thoughts on the quote above. I am one to shrink back from helping people when I can't do something big and glamorous for them. Which is a lot of the time. But sometimes, all they need is just a long hug or someone to bring them a coffee. As we enter Easter week, I'm reminded of all the people around this time of year that are struggling, some of them very close to me literally and figuratively. And you've seen my menu. It's the end of the month. We're eating leftovers ourselves. I don't have the resources this week to take homemade meals to people. I don't even have enough flour to bake anything! But this quote inspired me to get up and just do something. Not anything big or glamorous, just something to show them that someone notices their pain and cares about it.

So reader, I'm challenging you to look up from your lives this week and see what you can do with what you have, where you are.

(Image via Sugar and Cloth)

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