Friday, May 6, 2016

Frivolous Friday

Don't you love those weeks when you get to Friday and you feel like the weekend has already started? That's definitely me right now. We had a spontaneous party last night with most of the siblings and stayed up late playing games and drinking ice cream floats. It was definitely the best part of the week so far.

Today I'm on my usual grocery and printing the bulletin rounds. My list is extra long because I'm buying up all the cheese for the Mother's Day lasagnas. So if you need any shredded mozzarella cheese, get out there right now. The rest of my weekend is cooking and spending time with my seester and celebrating my mommas. It's gonna be a good one!

Been dreaming of blue skies

Those ceilings though

Made once, loved twice

Gloriously Pink

Not a celeb follower but...

Gonna use this all summer long

Bug free summertime

Just to feed my desire for chickens

A note for those who aren't mothers this Sunday and want to be. I remember thinking last Mother's Day "Maybe next year." Well, it's next year and it's still just Dearest Carl and me and the cat. If you're wearing the same shoes today, I want you to know that I know how you feel. I know the hope that wells up each month and the spear of disappointment. I know the yearning and the praying and the shutting imagination away because the thought of what life could be like is too painful. I know the days when it seems like the whole world is pregnant... but you. I know. I see you. God sees you. You are not forgotten. This Mother's Day, I am thankful for your strength to keep smiling through the longing and the pain. I pray that someday, we can all look back on this Mother's Day and see how God has grown us and shaped us. I pray that we will remember to tell our precious children how much they were wanted. And if children are not to be, I pray that we will have the courage to move forward with God's plan for our lives, whatever that may be. So this weekend, remind yourself that God is good and He cares for you. And give yourself a hug from me. xo

(Image via Ksenia)

1 comment :

  1. Casey, I have no words that you haven't already heard, sweet friend. but I do know God is so near, His love so unwavering. May He hold you close and breathe tender words of comfort in your ear. I love you and am praying the Lord's blessing of a child in His perfect timing. My heart remembers and resonates with you.
