Friday, September 23, 2016

Frivolous Friday

Now that we've officially hit Fall, I'm going all in. I'm bringing out my Fall clothes and boots no matter what the thermometer says. And I'm gonna start making tea lattes in the evenings. And I'm going to plan bonfires with people! So many plans, so little time.

What are you doing this weekend? Our church is hosting a women's event tonight and then tomorrow, I have brunch club with my mom and grandma and sisters. After that, it's all downhill and house chores and relaxation. We finished Stranger Things this week and I gotta say, I'm not cut out for scary stories. So we're rewatching Parks and Rec for like the third time. Vote Knope!

Made up and undone

Pumpkin spice for one and all

Moody and poetic

This dress

Bookmark for winter

Did you eat pumpkin seeds as a kid?

All that pretty art

Funny and true

Have a good one!

(Image via Delta Breezes)

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