Friday, December 16, 2016

Frivolous Friday

What an amazing week! Even though I'm still working on getting rid of that cold, we managed to have a week that was both productive and relaxing. My gallery wall is hung, I had a great trip to IKEA yesterday with my mom and picked up several things for our living room, we watched a few Christmas movies and now, we're looking at a weekend of chilling and having fun! I'm hoping to give the cat a bath and hang our new living room curtains tomorrow. And I have an outing with Olivia to look forward to on Sunday! Yes, it's going to be the perfect intro into Christmas week.

What are you up to this weekend?

Handsome and Gretyl

Had me at Swedish

Christmas village DIY

Good enough to eat

Interesting perspective

Rosy and bright

Please make these for me!

Have a good weekend!

(Image via Erika Stern Love)

1 comment :

  1. that picture!!! i need those to hang on my tree and i want to make those PRETZELS look sooooo good!! i pinned them, i need to make some one day...the process looks interesting=)
