Friday, June 27, 2014

Frivolous Friday

Hello everyone! I hope you've all had a good week! Mine has been pretty relaxing, filled with lots of old friends, iced tea and Star Wars. But that's vacation right?! This weekend, our little town is putting on their Independence Day fireworks show (yes, it's a week early...) so we're having people over to take advantage of our fantastic seats! Literally, the fireworks are almost in our backyard. It's gonna be awesome.

What does your weekend hold?

Paradise (definitely a summer sound)

How much was Mr. Darcy really worth?

Packing like a Pro

American Spoon (Taste Michigan!)

Treasure Hunting

Pineapple Cucumber Lime Salad

Classic Summer Fun on a Budget

Meryl Streep on Beauty

Have a great weekend!

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