Tuesday, December 8, 2015

My 10 Favorite Christmas Cards

Christmas cards are so much fun. There's nothing like getting an envelope in the mail that has your name handwritten across the front. Seriously, we should send cards all year long!

Dearest Carl and I post our Christmas letter on Facebook instead of sending out cards because we know too many people and would need a whole separate piggy bank for the stamps themselves. Plus, we have family and friends on Facebook that we don't have addresses for so by utilizing social media, we can share about our family more widely than a card could do. But I still love looking through Christmas cards!!! Here are my favorites.

1 // 2 // 3

4 // 5 // 6

7 // 8 // 9

Do you send out Christmas Cards? Is it short and sweet or do you write a letter? Think Dearest Carl would let me send out the kitties in Christmas sweaters next year?

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