Thursday, July 7, 2016

The Last 5 Pictures On My Phone

I am by no means a photographer. I don't have the skills and training. But I do snap a lot of pictures on my phone and edit them with pretty filters. I even wrote a post on it last year. To give you a peek at my life lately, here's the last 5 photos from my phone.

This selfie is from my little girls getaway. I wore this hat almost the whole time and now I'm officially in love with it.

I'm pretty sure that Charlie will appear at least once every five photos. He's just so adorable! Especially when he's trying to nap but the birds are at the feeder. In this picture, I just couldn't resist those little paws hanging over the edge of his tower. Be still my heart.

Here's a picture of the night that Dearest Carl made a late ice cream run to Frosty Boy while I did the dishes. We make a fabulous team.

This little goober is one of my nephews. The picture is when I was up there with my sisters-in-law to babysit them for the weekend. We had a water fight and this one would get very upset if anyone squirted him.

Last but not least, a snap from the Fourth of July. This picture is probably my favorite of the five! We had a great night hanging out with family and friends and everyone humored me enough to produce this specular picture. I think sparkler photos are going to be an annual thing now.

My phone is really summery lately! It's awesome to scroll through all these memories as the days roll on. What are your favorite summer moments so far?

(Top image via @yingnui)

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