Monday, October 17, 2016

What We're Eating

Mmmm what a weekend. You know those weekends when you read and drink coffee and do laundry and don't work by a to do list? That was pretty much mine. I bought peppermint mocha creamer at the grocery Friday and now the Keurig doesn't turn off. It's my favorite, even if it is a Christmas flavor. But anyway, while I did laundry and bathed the gray-who-should-be-creamy-orange cat, Dearest Carl and a couple guys did some great work on the living room project! There are still a few steps before we can start mudding but it's coming along!

Our week ahead is quite full of good things, both on the calendar and in the menu. We're pushing Monday soup to Tuesday this week since I won't be here to make it but when I do, I'll probably eat it every day for the rest of the week. But that's okay with me.

Monday: I'm out with the girls tonight so Dearest Carl is probably eating a sandwich per usual.
Tuesday: Please May I Have Some More Soup and Beer Bread
Wednesday: Quiche
Thursday: Possibly pizza? Possibly leftover soup? Not sure.
Friday: Pizza with Dearest Carl's fam

What's on your menu this week?

(Image via Brittanickle)

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